Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cyclists vs. Motorists: Can We Really Share the Road?

Team Riders
beibehThis week's production edition of Suburban Turmoil is already stirring up rattling interesting conversation- and I haven't even sent you guys over there yet!

It covers a person most which almost every of us have opinions- cyclists on the road.

Hypothetically, I fuck the intent of cycling and I essay to be heedful of grouping on bicycles (and there are a LOT of them where I springy in Nashville). In real life, though, SOME of them can be, well, annoying. They periodically pace through my kid-heavy community on streets that are hilly and wouldn't give a banter time to intend discover of the way if he happened to be in the street. They fuck to ride on a windy and narrowing agency I use quite often, making me paranoid that I'm feat to ammo a crossway whatever period and hit digit of them only because I couldn't see him. They wheel downbound a major route sometimes digit or threesome abreast, making it impracticable to intend around them. Some of them, in other words, don't seem to be distribution the agency with me, and that's frustrating.

Talk to cyclists, though, and you'll encounter that drivers are meet as bad- if not worse. I interviewed a pedaler I undergo for this column and the things he had to say module damper you. Also, he takes his preschool-aged girl pretty such everywhere in a lodging attached to his bike. I'd fuck to undergo what you think most urban cycling with children- I think most of us would same to see more bike-friendly cities, but how do you see most riding on laboring streets with your child on board?

Check it discover and tell me what you think- As always, if you yield a interpret at the Scene, be trusty to allow your URL and I'll stop by and visit your blog!

P.S. There's lots feat on at my style journal correct now, including...

  • A $50 Macy's card giveaway!
  • Figure-flattering swimsuits for women who dislike swimsuits!
  • Discussion on the Sandra Bullock/Jesse saint split!
Check it out!